We will be hosting our AGM at The Bear in Wareham on March 27th and very much hope anyone who has supported #Willdoes or wishes to do so this year will come along and join us in celebrating our achievements.
We will be presenting awards in the following categories: Volunteer of the Year (adult), Volunteer of the Year (junior), Family Fundraiser of the Year and Biggest Fundraiser!
We hope to have two of ambassadors present and The Bear has kindly donating canapés along with rooms to host the event.
During the evening we will announce the impressive sums raised at our events.
During the evening we will announce how money raised has improved people’s lives.
But it’s not all about money the money raised and given to those in need.
Says founder Lesley Paddy: “These incredible events have raised awareness of mental wellbeing in young people and we want everyone who has volunteered and supported us to be proud of our achievements.”
Attendees will have the opportunity to buy merchandise from the new clothing range and hear about future events planned, plus suggest their own ideas on how the charity can help a great cause.
Perhaps you have a great cause in mind? We’d like to hear about it.
So come on, clear your diary and meet us in Wareham for our AGM and Awards evening.
Thank you to the Bear in Wareham for hosting the event and providing some nibbles.
Please complete the RSVP form so we can guestimate numbers!